Drama Queen

made with luxe textures, soft touches of warm hues and clean lines.
Color: Red
Bow Clip in Poinsettia
model applying angelstick with Bow Clip in Poinsettia in hair
Bow Clip in Poinsettia
Rs. 1,900
Popstar Clips in Amour Rouge
model wearing Popstar Clips in Amour Rouge in hair
Popstar Clips in Amour Rouge
Rs. 2,800
Sugar Muffs in Red Currant
closeup of model wearing Sugar Muffs in Red Currant
Sugar Muffs in Red Currant
Rs. 4,100
Sweetheart Clip in Bordeaux Angel Wings
model clipping Sweetheart Clip in Bordeaux Angel Wings to her skirt while wearing rosette scrunchie on wrist
Sweetheart Clip in Bordeaux Angel Wings
Rs. 2,900

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